MasterStream QuoteDesk CPQ organizes and optimizes quoting and implements dynamic mark-ups for Carrier and Vendor services. Do what currently takes hours, day and even weeks, in just seconds. Learn More...
Learn how MasterStream QuoteDesk saves you time and money by cutting as much as 90% off the time it takes to develop quotes and gather mission critical information. Learn more...
Move from email and portal inquiries to aggregating all carrier qualification and pricing requests into a streamlined process. Learn more...
When getting the information you need is fast and easy, you can get more of it. QuoteDesk users sell smarter and sell more... Learn more...
Take your business from disparate product catalogues to one. It's multiple catalogues from multiple sources, that act like one. Learn more...
QuoteDesk has a familiar feel and is easy to use with everything right where it should be. Intuitive by design, users get everything they need in just a few clicks. MasterStream is an expert in making the complex, simple. Learn more...
We know your business will continue to innovate and grow we'll be with you every step of the way. It's about more than just software, learn how our Customer Success Team can help you succeed. Learn more...
Eliminate spreadsheets and outdated methods of obtaining pricing and creating quotes. QuoteDesk is a tool that virtually aggregates all your disparate Partner portals, pricing catalogues and Provider databases into one single quote tool instance. Get all the cost data you need from just one place, deploy pricing mark-ups based on your own rules-based design. QuoteDesk makes work smarter, faster and easier.