How a Quoting as a Service Model (CPQaaS) Outperforms a CPQ Model

For the majority of businesses, the desire to handle lead to cash workflow processes in as few systems as possible has a strong attraction.  Most organize their processes around a strong CRM and compliment that with an integration to their order/provisioning/billing system.  There are several complex services that pull businesses into more systems, but one… Continue reading How a Quoting as a Service Model (CPQaaS) Outperforms a CPQ Model

Categorized as Quoting

A Portal Strategy Is A Must for Telecom Providers in the Channel

If you were in telecom a decade ago, you’ll remember when it seemed like every telecom Provider that played in the Channel was talking about their need to have a portal to provide quotes and information to agents. Channel Managers insisted that Marketing needed to provide a portal if they were going to have any… Continue reading A Portal Strategy Is A Must for Telecom Providers in the Channel

Categorized as Quoting

What You Need to Know About Quoting CPQ

These days, to stay competitive in the telecom sphere, sellers and buyers need to make fast, accurate decisions around the type of available connectivity, managed services, cloud services, and voice services. But it isn’t just about how fast you respond—you also need to deliver consistent and superior customer service through all channels to gain loyal… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Quoting CPQ

Categorized as Quoting