A fiber finder is a tool or service that allows users to distribute or find information on the location of fiber-optic infrastructure.
Fiber finders are often used by professionals—including providers, agents, and professionals—in the telecom industry to find where a lit building, which is referred to as “on-net,” is located or where the closest near-net infrastructure exists. Beyond the specific location of the fiber, these tools also generate data to offer insight into which carriers have a presence in a specific region, the competitive landscape of the region, and the fiber and bandwidth demands of the local consumers.
This blog includes helpful information for those interested in learning more about the features of a fiber finder and the benefits that can be derived from using one.
The Goals of a Fiber Finder
Fiber finder tools help telecom providers compile data on their own fiber assets, partner and competitor assets, and market intelligence on a single platform. With this information, network teams can have a visual representation of all the fiber infrastructure in the region.
Why is this helpful?
In the past, providers have had to use separate logs to compile assets and information on competitors that was purchased from third parties. This integrated data approach allows teams to create network maps or building lists that enhance accessibility of consumer needs and competitor presence. Plus, because dedicated fiber internet is consistently the fastest internet speed—a key factor in its market growth—providers seek to make this option available to their customers.
How does this benefit agents and other channels?
Using a fiber finder can help agents gain access to highly accurate provider serviceability data so that they can find the best option for their client. For organizations, a fiber finder tool provides access to accurate provider serviceability data that can be used by employees in the organization or their partners.
Overall, a fiber finder tool makes operators more aware of opportunities to build new routes and helps sales channels funnel their opportunities to all providers with a network presence at any given location.
Significant Benefits from a Fiber Finder Tool
Fiber finder tools provide many benefits to providers. For one thing, they enable operators to see their own fiber assets as well as the assets of other providers in a region—and down to a specific address. From there, users can benefit from the following:
1. Multi-Optional Solutions
These fiber tools allow users to make decisions and plans for solutions and investments. Although some professionals believe fiber optics is a national imperative, the infrastructure is still a very high capital investment. With a visual representation of fiber infrastructure, network operators can market their near-net services, as opposed to on-net services through fiber finder tools, only investing in building on-net services for interested customers.
2. Better Organized Data Compilation
Fiber data offers logistical and operational support for networks and business management. Rather than undergoing the time-consuming act of compiling data and updating fiber maps to track lit buildings, a platform can automate the process by formatting and distributing the information in a drastically reduced time.
3. Centralized System of Record
Fiber finder tools also centralize fiber route information by creating a system of record that the entire organization has access to. The centralized database of a fiber finder tool ensures that the data is current, as opposed to outdated manual tools that can easily lag if not constantly attended to.
Use MasterStream’s Superior Fiber Finder Tool
Our fiber finder tool, BandwidthFinder, provides users with access to an extensive database of fiber and broadband carriers, as well as solutions providers. The benefits are extensive and drastically decrease the time spent performing manual research so those who need it can locate superior internet faster.
Interested in giving BandwidthFinder a shot? Request a demo today!